Rights of Way

26th July 2016
This advocacy research, a joint report by the FIA Foundation and UNICEF, examines the impact of road traffic injury on families living in poverty in low- and middle-income countries.
Rights of Way

Factsheet: Fuel Economy

9th May 2016
The FIA Foundation factsheets are intended to give a brief overview of the key issues in specific areas of sustainable mobility. This factsheet covers Fuel Economy.
Factsheet: Fuel Economy

Financing for Development

16th July 2015
'Financing for Development: Catalytic Funding for Global Road Safety in the SDGs' is a paper by the FIA Foundation highlighting the need for increased international financing for global road safety and partnership with mainstream infrastructure and climate SDG financing mechanisms.
Financing for Development

Breaking the Deadlock

16th July 2015
'Breaking the Deadlock: A Social Impact Investment Lens on Reducing Costs of Road Trauma and Unlocking Capital for Road Safety' is a report by Social Finance and Impact Strategist examining the potential of using 'payment for success' Social Impact Bonds to deliver health cost savings through direct and transparent attribution of specific road safety interventions.
Breaking the Deadlock

In for a Penny

16th July 2015
'In for a Penny: Can micro-donations benefit global road safety?' is a research report by Price Waterhouse Coopers examine the potential of corporate/consumer micro-donations as a new source of funding for global road safety.
In for a Penny

Fuel Efficient and Clean Transport

15th May 2015
The FIA Foundation, working with partners through the Global Fuel Economy Initiative, the UN’s Sustainable Energy for All initiative, the Climate & Clean Air Coalition and the Partnership for Clean Fuels & Vehicles, is part of efforts to make road transport more fuel efficient and to reduce toxic tailpipe emissions.
Fuel Efficient and Clean Transport