Unfinished Journey

21st May 2018
Unfinished Journey: The Global Health Response to Children & Road Traffic highlights the gap between evidence on the scale of road traffic’s impact on child and adolescent health and the action.
Unfinished Journey

Cleaner Air 4 Schools

30th March 2018
This report summarises innovative new work between schools, led by the London Sustainability Exchange (LSx), in partnership with UN Environment and Clean Air Asia.
Cleaner Air 4 Schools

Ella se mueve segura - She moves safely

15th December 2017
The Ella Se Mueve Segura study, funded by FIA Foundation and CAF – Latin American Development Bank, explores women’s personal security on public transport in three cities; Quito, Ecuador; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Santiago, Chile. 
Ella se mueve segura - She moves safely