Cities are growing rapidly in the Global South. It is in these megacities that the fight for safe streets, climate, clean air and social justice must be won. The FIA Foundation is designing global campaigns; leading ground-breaking research on women’s needs, rights and safety in urban public transportation; funding policy change for children and youth and action on low-speed streets through our Advocacy Hub; targeting vehicle emissions and promoting zero carbon mobility through our environmental partnerships.


We designed and are coordinating the UN Streets for Life campaign, which is calling for default 30km/h speed in urban areas where children and other vulnerable people mix with traffic. This builds on our agenda-setting advocacy at HABITAT III, which saw safe streets for children included in the leading global policy agenda for cities.

Through the TRUE real urban emissions initiative we are working with cities across the world to build data on traffic pollution, and to fund research on effective policy measures. For example, together with the Mayor of London and Bloomberg Philanthropies we studied the impact on air quality of ‘school streets’, removing vehicles to enable safe and healthy journeys to school.

Safe and sustainable mobility is a vital part of empowering women and plays an important role in achieving wider social and economic development. Women represent around half the world’s adult population, yet the evidence base used to make most decisions about transport do not take their needs into account in a systematic way. Our ground-breaking gender research is building evidence of women’s experiences, perceptions and solutions for urban transportation.

Ella se mueve segura - She moves safely

The Ella Se Mueve Segura study, funded by FIA Foundation and CAF – Latin American Development Bank, explores women’s personal security on public transport in three cities; Quito, Ecuador; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Santiago, Chile.

Ella se mueve segura - She moves safely

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SUM4All report ‘Gender imbalance in the transport sector' launched at the ITF Summit in Leipzig


New speed management infrastructure installed at 22 schools across the EASST region


Designed UN Streets for Life campaign, calling for default 30km/h urban speed

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