Walk and Roll to School Guide for Mexican Cities launched by ITDP Mexico

The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy Mexico (ITDP Mexico) launched the Walk and Roll to School Guide for Mexican Cities to encourage and support urban leadership to develop safe and healthy journeys to school. The guide is part of the Vision Zero for Youth programme, supported by the FIA Foundation.
The report was launched during an event for Walk and Roll to School Day, which is celebrated in over 40 countries worldwide. ITDP has been actively involved in organizing events in Mexico and Costa Rica. To date, more than 15 Mexican cities and various municipalities in Costa Rica have participated.
Walk and Roll to School Day bridges communities and local authorities, advocating for safer road conditions. It enables local authorities to grasp the mobility needs of children, adolescents, and their caregivers while experiencing their daily unsafe conditions. Simultaneously, it empowers children and young people to directly engage with authorities, demanding tangible changes to their school environment.

During the presentation of the guide, Gonzalo Peón, Executive Director of ITDP Mexico, emphasized the importance of collaboration between civil society and government. He highlighted the need to address the daily mobility challenges faced by children and teenagers and promote lasting changes in public spaces.
Natalie Draisin, FIA Foundation North American Office Director, said: "The Walk and Roll to School initiative is growing and aligns with Vision Zero for Youth, making it a fundamental element for sustainability and enhancing the mobility experience of children and teenagers."
Roxana Montealegre, Director of Mobility at the Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU), noted: "The Walk and Roll to School Guide will enable government authorities at all levels to navigate the road ahead and make changes in a safe and enjoyable manner."
During the webinar, Berenice Perez, Coordinator of Active Mobility and Road Design at ITDP Mexico, introduced the activities that cities can implement in public and private basic education schools set out in the guide. These activities include organizing walks or bike rides, involving students, teachers, and school directors.
Read the full report: Guía de Caminar y Rodar a la Escuela – ITDP México