FIA Foundation leads youth advocacy at UN HLPF

FIA Foundation leads youth advocacy at UN HLPF

At the UN’s High Level Political Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals, the FIA Foundation convened Governments and partners to take key steps towards the launch of commitments for adolescents.

The FIA Foundation has been supporting partners in the development of commitments for adolescents and youth, which are planned to be presented at the Heads of State SDG Summit in September at the UN. During the UN’s High Level Political Forum (HLPF) in July, a group of 14 Governments, leading parliamentarians, international organisations and youth leaders met to coordinate the next steps towards the SDG Summit.

The FIA Foundation was joined by members of parliament, UN mission representatives and youth leaders.
The FIA Foundation was joined by members of parliament, UN mission representatives and youth leaders.

The session was co-hosted by the Government of Honduras, which is serving as the Chair of the Commission on Population and Development at the UN. Minister for Social Development and Inclusion from Honduras José Carlos Cardona led the session together Honduras Ambassador to the UN, Noemi Espinoza Madrid. FIA Foundation Deputy Director Avi Silverman opened the session introducing the agenda, and global SDG initiative to accelerate action for young people. He was joined by the Foundation’s North America Director & UN Representative Natalie Draisin in leading the session.

UN Permanent Missions and Government delegations involved in the discussions included: Botswana, Costa Rica, Mexico, Portugal, Norway, the Netherlands, South Africa, Sweden, and Tanzania. Key partners UNFPA, the UN Major Group on Children and Youth, Plan International and Save the Children also participated. Among the youth leaders addressing the session were Jacob Smith Executive Director of National Organizations for Youth Safety, USA and a prominent young advocate on road safety. Jacob is a member of the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety and is a survivor of road traffic injury.

Honduran Social Development Minister Jose Carlos Cardona and Ambassador Noemi Espinoza joined the event.
Honduran Social Development Minister Jose Carlos Cardona and Ambassador Noemi Espinoza joined the event.

The work to mobilise commitments from Governments for adolescent well-being and youth SDG priorities is a central part of the 1.8 Billion Young People for Change campaign which is coordinated by the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health hosted by WHO. The campaign is building momentum towards the Heads of State SDG Summit towards the end of September and the Global Forum for Adolescents which follows it on 11-12 October.

Minister José Carlos Cardona from Honduras said: “The 1.8 Billion campaign is very important. Young people must be listened to and we must address the priorities that they face. We are taking action on key areas of the agenda for sustainable development. We know that this is a vital investment in our country’s future.”

Young people from around the world spoke on their demands for policymakers ahead of the SDG summit.
Young people from around the world spoke on their demands for policymakers ahead of the SDG summit.

SDG priorities focused on at the HLPF session included mental health, gender based violence, sexual reproductive health, girls education, youth employment and road safety.

Youth leader and road safety campaigner Jacob Smith called for action on road traffic injury as a priority, urging Governments to include a focus on the issue in their commitments given the impact on young people globally.

FIA Foundation Deputy Director Avi Silverman said: “It is encouraging to see Governments and major partners coming together taking key steps aimed at accelerating SDG priorities for adolescents and young people. Ahead of the SDG Summit, this was a vital opportunity to build support for the work to develop and mobilise commitments. We want to see strengthened policies and programmes being developed for and with young people. It was particularly inspiring to hear the powerful advocacy of young leaders such as Jacob Smith calling for action on issues such as road safety which have such an impact on young people around the world.”

Also playing a leading role in the discussions were the President of Women Parliamentarians Cynthia Lopez Castro and President of Young Parliamentarians Dan Carden MP of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. They emphasised the key role that legislators around the world must take on the agenda, and gave their support to the 1.8 Billion campaign.

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